Set in 1840, Jane Eyre attends a dinner at Thornfield Hall. Guests at the dinner include Mrs Dent, Lady Lynn, Amy Eshton, Lady Ingram and Jane herself.
These costumes were designed and made for a theoretical TV drama.
Model: Nina Price
Photographer: Delan Woods
Other makers: Maverick Durkin, Nina Price, Delan Woods, Michiru Encinas

This costume was made for Lady Lynn, a woman described as a very erect and haughty-looking woman dressed richly in a satin robe of changeful sheen with rainbow radiance. In her dark hair is an azure plume within a circlet of a band of gems and she is described as showy in comparison to some of the other ladies.
This costume has a 1840’s corset, petticoat and hoopskirt as undergarments. The gown is made of a blue and orange shot taffeta to reflect the “satin robe of changeful sheen” and “rainbow radiance”. As this lady is described as “showy” in an era with a limited amount of trims both lace and self fabric flowers were added to the dress to give this effect.